
Our mission: (Em)powering every nonprofit educational facility in Orange County with solar energy. 

Bright Minds Solar provides financing and expertise in installation of photovoltaic solar energy systems to educational facilities, so they can convert to solar power with minimal effort—and no upfront capital costs. Bright Minds also creates opportunities for individual or institutional investors who wish to engage in socially or environmentally responsible investing.

Advantages for the educational organization:

  • Facilities are powered by clean energy from the sun, reducing environmental impact from dirty fuels.
  • Students can be educated about the advantages of solar energy.
  • With zero money invested, the organization can immediately start saving on its energy bills.
  • Electricity rates are locked in with a long-term contract, so that the organization can budget well into the future without having to worry about volatility or unexpected shocks to electricity prices.
  • No outlay of capital is required, and total savings on energy costs will be greater than if the non-profit itself were to purchase the solar system.
  • The organization does not have to worry about system maintenance for the duration of the contract period.
  • At the end of the contract period, the organization receives free electricity for the remaining life of the system.
  • More money can be spent on programs that benefit the students or visitors to the facility.

Advantages for the investor:

  • Money invested will have both a positive environmental impact, by reducing carbon emissions from the facility’s energy consumption, as well as a positive social impact, by freeing up more money to be spent on educational programs.
  • Potential returns are inline with or exceed other non-impact investments, so the investor does not have to sacrifice return to achieve his or her mission-related investment goals.
  • Return on the investment provides the investor with a steady flow of income for the life of the contract.